Sunday, February 27, 2005
met bhai
Could make out that he's been working out real hard this time! Waise he's doing good. I think he's in a stage of his life where he knows what he wants...he's just working towards achieving it.
Reached there friday night. The flight was delayed by 2hours! US Airways...take my hint ;o)
We had dinner in a greek fast food. I don't remember the name of the dish i was like an enclosed tortilla with chicken and all the salads/seasoning she had in the shop. was good. He showed me around downtown. Hmmm...immmediately reminded me that i am staying in a village... :o(
Then we went for bowling. That was decided before hand. i had to show off my spin capabilities! But to my surprise he was also able to spin! :)
Came back and slept around 2:30...had to wake up early next day to go for bowling. It was a 2 hours drive to that place. I did skiing for the first time!! yippeee! We decided that we won't take any training...din't seem to be a big deal at that time. After i fell down a couple of times and when we were not able to go up the slope (ha ha!) we decided to go for the lessons! Took a private lesson. This guide was nice. Atleast he made us comfortable with riding in the snow; if i might call it! Akshia and i showed courage in trying the Level2 slope (they had 3 levels there). I could come down without falling once...yes i said - "WITHOUT FALLING ONCE", howeveer to stop myself from crashing into others i had to slide and fall :) It was real fun...we were sweating! Sweating in snow!
Came back and had lunch in Bombay cuisine. mmmm....good chicken and matar paneer. Then went to the local malls....din't buy nething worth mentioning.
Next day early morning left for South Carolina. Met Nishi mausi, mausaji, neha and aditya...Homely atmosphere...mausi had cooked rajm-chawal and sabzi. yummy. and poha also. waisa poha toh sirf ghar pe khane ko milta hai :) Had a good time...always feels good when you are in/with a family.
Drove back to Charlotte...went to walmart...and then to the airport. bhai waali trip end ho gayi :o(
Thursday, February 24, 2005
it's snowing
It's snowing today...i can't walk to office :(
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Something made me happy at work. If only I could discuss it here…it company confidential !!
Bhai gave me lots of fundae about office while he was in blore. Tell you what, they did work for me!
Ordered a cannon digital camera. Received much need help from NG.
It has 32x zoom…wow! I mean the 3500 bucks worth of b-lenses at home give less than that.
I did a lot of research on the parameters you might consider while buyin a camera. I can help you with that now. Tell you what, there is no such thing as the complete package!! You try hard and harder but you never get all of what you want in one piece. If you think there is such a thing then either you are the first child of bill gates, or you are still to snap out of your dream.
Sunday, February 20, 2005
new high
Now i'm on the lookout for buyin a camera now. Boy is it a tough decision?! after 4 hours of research i've come down to 3. Will decide among them and then take one.
will buy, will shoot, will post here.
Have my driving test again next week, on tuesday...
Thursday, February 17, 2005
lighter :o)
You know, it's good to know that things are the way they are...the way you liked them to be! There is so much depth behind the words i just wrote.
bhai booked flight tickets. i'll meet him next to next weekend!
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
amazing song
I'm not a perfect person
As many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You
...The Reason (Hoobastank)
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
I feel so low
Dear Blog,
Today i failed in my driving test. In fact i Was Failed in my driving test. I don't wanna talk about it...i don't want my blog to be on the laps of the censor board :o)
I skipped a red light. Din't get caught. That was definitely exciting!
I feel so low.
Why can't i understand people the way they are?
Seems that i get people into becoming what they are not. As soon as they reaslise that they are not what i see them as, they back off. But i don't stop living in the dream i manufactured - a sure shot formula to getting a good knock in the head...rather the heart.
hmmm it will be time before i find a way out. Something that should be built-in rather than plugged-in!
Saturday, February 12, 2005
I coud not have been left behind...could i? I learned how to spin the ball both ways! yippeee! And i was able to get perfect strikes as well! Surprisingly enuf ;o)
Today i went for the written test for the driving license. Got that too. Wasne't a big deal. The 'big' deal will be the maneuverability test! It's on 15th Feb. Pretty soon huh! I'll keep you updated blogspot!
Friday, February 11, 2005
a new target
Had good coffee in the afternoon with friends and colleagues. Biscotti was good! i can't have many of then though...'if it is not chocolate, then it is too sweet for me!'
i cooked chicken today! Kewl man! i made good chicken...ofcourse there was an element of...err...readymade masala...but what the heck! i consolidated the darn things!
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
hate me for this
I distinctly remember – there was a stage in my life when I wanted some people to hate me! It was because I started life with people loving me…wanted to experiment! I was a kid, too young, too naïve. I found myself out of that infatuation early enough to hurt my character.
I learnt something then. But don’t seem to recollect what it was; as I am unable to get some people to hate me again.
I am trying to be someone else, but I’m not able to. God help me? God help me not? I don’t know what will be good for me.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
office party
My headphones and free DVDs have been delivered! Yes! Headphones are good. But still ned to buy ones with a mike. Will use Yahoo messenger to do voice chat...
Did not have any work in office today. It seems i was the only one who din't have any work :( Everyone else keeps busy with work. PC ke saamne baith ke kya karun main samajh nahi aata?
Thursday, February 03, 2005
wuts cookin'
Had absolutely no work in office today. so came home early. i walked home fromm office...i used to go for a late evening walk while in blore...but that has remained a distant dream since i came's too cold and lonely to go outside at night..alone.
Finished downloading a couple of movies on the net today :o) don't let nobody know about this! i wonder if i shud've typed it here?
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
I will take a day off in this month and visit Akshia. Will meet him after a year and a half...long time! Uski cap padi hai...uske ladoo bhi!
Had a few chats with my boss today. She's not that bad really. Apni team ka khayal rakhti hai woh. She told me certain things today about the management...everyone knows it happens, just that nobody is willing to approve of it or just mention to others :) Think her company will help me??
Have been going to the gym for the last few days. Trying to gain weight! badta hi nahi! :( neways atleast i can eat whatever and whenever i wanta! :)