Friday, June 22, 2007

last week at NY

Had a great time in NYC this past weekend.

Woke up early on Saturday at 6am (i really had to pinch my ass to get up...very hard to wake me up on a weekend this early!). Drove straight to NY (no bath, no breakfast - you know me. us Brahmins don't eat until we've had our snaans). Reached about 9:30am and we left for NYC by 10:00. And I had little idea what was coming.
We were trying to get to the 'American Museum of Natural History'. Twas about 45 minutes from NewPort, but it took us about 2hours :-) yeah - two hours (on the brighter side, i now know how to read the subway maps!). So we reached the museum and immediately bought the 'super saver ticket'. With the super saver you could view 5 attractions of the museum along with the rest of the museum. We did the - Cosmic Collision imax show first. It was Amazing to say the least! The whole screen was in the shape of an overhead dome. It was all around us. You have to experience it yourself!
Then we did the Dinosaur Alive imax show, which was pretty unimpressive. The 'frogs chorus' was an impressive collection. There were > 50 species of frogs there...and some of them were unbelievably new to my eyes. Nature has such beautiful colors - even more beautiful than web3.0 - its true! :p
Finally we took the museum tour with Minderalla. No not Cinderalla...Cinderella was young and pretty...While Minderella is old and wrinkled Anyway, she gave us a nice little tour of the museum, which we realized we should have taken before doing all the attractions! Nevertheless, the visit was very worthwhile.

After sleeping for 4 hours the night before, 2.5hours of drive, 2 hours of train and 5 hours of walking the museum, i finally got my hands on some Chicken Seekh Kebab style. Yumm...

I've longed to go to a theatre/play in NYC. We went to one in the evening. Its called 'The Chorus Line'. We had first row seats! I know some people would kill to get those seats! I can't explain the feeling of satisfaction (satisfaction of buying the right tickets for the right show)!
The actors was singing and dancing and talking just a couple of meters away from me. OMG, that was amazing. Are they talented or what! And for 2! I can only imagine how hard they work!

Next in line was "230 5th". Its an open terrace pub in the center of the city on the 20th floor. Its an amazing place. You know a place is really good by the length of the queue to get in. Well for this one we had to wait for 30 minutes just to get in. And inside there was almost no space to stand. But, the view was amazing. At midnight, we could see most of Manhattan in all its glory, bright lights and tall buildings. I could have stayed there all night, only if Akshia weren't tired enough that he had to literally push me out of the place. That bully!

came back home tired as hell, and in the half consciousness that i had, i spoke with my beautiful for a few minutes before i fell asleep.

Yup. Saturday night was fun after a long time.

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