Tuesday, April 03, 2007

long time huh!

Heya blog!

had been pretty busy, mind-overrun, and a lot pending in the last few days. Still not out of the slump but have time for blogging and creating new blogs :-)
- AnkushTech - stuff that teases me, and imbibes in me - the forgetfulness of useful information :p...goes in here. If I can use it later, why da' hell can't somebody else too!

fultu.com is live. wanna buy it? am only hoping that some nerd in India comes up with something to use this slang of a website!
Its up for sale - $501 starting bid.

Trying to get hold of things in office. last week was miserable with so many things going on and getting out of hands too.
Cable modem conked off at home, and I was out of internet for a couple of days. Man it was getting hard to get by!

Good news - I cooked. And I cooked about 4 times in the last 10 days. whoa!! surprised myself ;-). Just got sick of eating out day after day and then tried my hand at cooking after useful tips from Akshia and Shuchi and the great magic sabzi masala recipe from ma. Am proud to say i can c0ok french beans as well as Aloo-gobi. That added to my arsenal of Chicken, Daal and Maggi etc.

Just reading about 'Rich Jerk'. He must've made an amazing amount of money selling BS to people.
Do I believe in him? Yes, I do too. But I believe in his idea of selling BS, but not in the BS he sells.


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