Saturday, April 14, 2007

DonationPeople and web 2.0

Its kinda late in the race, but better late than never. I think DonationPeople should move to the Web2.0 model.

I sat thinking why DonationPeople is not being used and here's what I came up - This is in order of decreasing levels of popularity! -
1. Its too complicated and not worth my effort
2. I didn't know about DonationPeople
3. I don't want to put that extra effort
4. I don't care about non-profits in India

Surely the next step was finding out how to make everyone aware of DonationPeople, how to make the process simpler and worth the effort.
Web2.0 comes in. What If this were a community driven effort such that evangelists could play their part and we could make the site worthwhile for those who just wish to help with little effort on their parts? Would the problem be solved? I'm eager to find out!

Here's *a* plan -
- Create a discussion board
- you are someone who wishes to buy a product online (worth >$25) but do not know where to find the best deal
- you come and post your requirements to the DonationPeople discussion board
- me and other member evangelists do a little research for you for the best deals on the internet
- then we post the results of our research on the board and also tell you if you can use DonationPeople to get that deal
- you may/maynot use our suggestions. no obligation
- If you do use DonationPeople, then a %age of your purchases go to non-profits in India

Do you think that'd work?


Anonymous said...

Not bad for a start. All the best!

Unknown said...

Thanks beautiful