Thursday, May 18, 2006

killer javascript

of all the good time i spent coding dash2, javascript took 30% of the time. that minuscle piece of client side shit code.

went to visit deepa mausi last Sunday, and then again today for Radhika's bday. Boy i had to ask 3 people what i should buy for a 14yr old girl. then took the easy way out - yep, gift cards, Barnes & Nobles. They're the best!
It was fun watching those 14something girls American, oh the purse is so nice...oh reaaallyyy? nooo know whattt!...ooohhh...aaahh.
you've got to be kidding me!

I need to stop complaining about things. I mean, I don't put much to mouth, but i think too hard! and that's not good.

have been working pretty hard over the last couple of weeks. so come home surf the net, basically do nothing, and go off to sleep around 10:30 so am not too tired to work the next day...
now that routine is very, verrry difficult to keep. Maybe because i'm alone these days, so i can sleep, had i been with a flatmate, it would've been completely different.

Hey all girls out there. I am alone, and i am single as well.

dig this -
i lost my bankone debit card. they won't let me take a new one unless i go to a branch and identify myself. oh n they don't operate in the DC vicitnity.
i dunno the pin number for my credit card.
i got a citibank debit card, but the pin they sent doesn't work with it.

i got cash from a nice sardarji of an Indian store, and that how i have enuf to pay for my lunch. i usually have lunch at the Deli downstairs of where i work. Now the office is something to look at. it's like i degraded ~300% of what i was used to in Infosys! :p

the thought of what we want to achieve at nuride is scary and at the same time motivatinng enough to work towards it. you'd assume the rewards would be worth it. i'd like to think that way.

saw 16blocks. like Sandy and chote said, eoowww. screwed up silly movie. 4/10. now no movie deserves to go below 4points in my scale system! every darn movie has something special to take it above 4points. the special thing about 16blocks - ....ahhh...? okay, i givee it 3/10.

1 comment:

Himz@work said...

kaisa hian khote .. yeah new office are diffcult to adjust but that is way of life .. njoy till it is still new and b4 it becomes too old to crib for it :)