Sunday, December 11, 2005


I think i owe me blog an apology! Sorry for keeping you in the dark...I had gone missing for sometime since i was busy preparing the move to Texas. And now i'm here! Reached Saturday evening.
Boy! it has been two tough weeks! Had so much work, so many things to clear, so many questions to answer.
I remember when such a thing happened during R4 release when i was loaded with work. If my colleagues were working at 100% capacity, i was working at 300%. I was so overwhelmed that after 2-3 times i had that lost face, Rama pulled a meeting and asked me to transition some of my work to others!
Well this time, things were better. I was a bit more cool and handled better. That's what exeperience does to you! Nothing can inform your brain better!

Anyways, so i reached San Antonio Airport. Took a rental. The hotel where i am staying and where my new PM is also staying is about 5 miles from the airport. Reached the hotel, freshened up, and away we went to downtown :) with Gagan (yep, he's my PM). It's a cool and happening place for starters!...i'll write later with added details! Had chinese dinner. T'was good. Sunday i moved in with my PM. Well not exactly moved in!! :) I just dumped my luggae at his hotel room and vacated mine. Why pay the extra bucks, when Arjav is gonna come back tonight and i can go to our home (again more about all such details later)

the news is me has moved to a new town in US :) Did have to leave a lot of baggage behind.

Left a few friends behind. Some will be in touch.
One will not even try to be...I don't think i've ever done that before on purpose - made sure i won't be remembered at all. That's life. And every moment is a learning. The sad thing is that i can't remember the good times...only bad memories...the ones that should be forgotten.

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