This little thing waves it's head. And moves his ears. You can wag his tail manually, and it roars! I makes those cute sounds of little doggies...!
It has 8 LEDs on its head each of which can take 7 different colors! If you wave your hand over it's head, it will wave it's head, sound happy and blink lights at you.
It can play music, and its called the i-Dog. If it does not get music for long...it makes crying noises, waves heads, flashes lights. Otherwise, when it does...it dances and brightens to the tune of the music.
even I have got something similar to this.IT waves its tail, smiles,cries,runs,barks.And in case u try to disturb , u also get biting.It is called Tipsy
ochi kuchi kuchi kuchi...
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