Sunday, November 25, 2007

good things!

So, my previous post a little too cynical...!

You can never undo what you've already done. You can only make the best of what you have. So, here's my attempt to better it - some good things that happened this past week - !
1. No one got hurt in the car-based-ice-skating incident
2. My car got damaged when I was *not* in it
3. Got some nice thanksgiving deals
4. Had thanksgiving lunch with Richard's family. Turkey mmm...
5. Had dinner with Ruchi moti
6. Done with the new dashboard for my company

this one requires a special mention since it means much to me :-)
-- My new Nokia N95 is in the mail --

Well, this post certainly outweighs my previous post. I am at peace.

Friday, November 23, 2007

You finally got me.

update 11/24 11:30am: The fire alarm went off in my building, and the fire engine was here. Fortunately there was nothing for concern. Still half of Saturday and Sunday to go before the week ends!

update 11/23 7:30pm: ICICI just called. They said, I'm a NRI so am not allowed to hold the resident savings a/c or transact my DMAT as per RBI regulations. I need to close down my accounts in India.

original post --

God, if you are reading this, are you happy now?

The past week has been eventful, but not for happy reasons.

This past Tuesday it was the first snow of the season. The roads were slippery again. And while Richard and me were driving through the West Lake Dr, I recalled the bad memory of that traffic light. When i allegedly touched (not even sure if i touched!) the car of this Russian female who sued me for $450 later. Snowy days in CT has spelled trouble for me, and history was soon to repeat itself. 10 minutes later, at a speed of about 70+mph, our car skid on the snow and took a 450 degree turn (yes 1 full round and more) and finally stopped after hitting the side barrier. Thankfully there was no car behind us or on our sides, otherwise things would have become bad.
As you could have guessed from the size of this post, things didn't end there (wink!). After making sure that we were alright and the car was drivable, we decided to drive the same car to office. As soon as we reached a speed of about 50mph, the car spun again. This time about 180 degrees and we end up facing incoming traffic behind us. Richard, quickly drove us off road before things got uglier.

Those that drive in US know how embarrassing it is when you get honked. Nobody honked on us on Tuesday since there was no one behind us when we skid. Come Thursday, I was forced to honk not once but twice, on two different occasions, and that too on the freeway driving at 70mph. Why? Because the drivers on my right lane decided to overtake the car in front of them by shifting to the left side. And yes, I was right next to them on their left lane. I am sure they didn't mean to push me off road, but God, twice in a single day?? They changed lanes half-way and then when i honked loud and hard they realized they were on collission course. At such high speeds, a slight touch can spell disaster.

Hmm...a cat has 9 lives, I figured I only have 4. This morning, i was all upbeat and ready to shop for thanksgiving! I was in Circuit city, where I found this really cool 22" widescreen LCD monitor for only $160. Great! Its bigger and better than my T.V ;-)
But, when i came out of Circuit City I finally gave up. God - you win.
My car was hit by someone in the parking lot, and they did not even leave a note (I prolly got one of those junkies that America is full of). They just ran away. Circuit City has no video cameras in the parking lot, so we can't catch them now.

Hmm....Shuchi's camera got stolen and was later found broken in not-working condition - it was my first gift to her. I skipped MIT and Tuck application deadlines, as I haven't been able to cope up with office and the applications.

I don't want to know what else can go wrong. I just hope they don't happen.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Some of the things i've been buyin

Radioshack - $19.95 Nokia Bluetooth headset
Go to RadioShack. Search for "BH-600"

CircuitCity - $7.99 2GB USB Drive
Circuit City product link

Circuit City - $9.99 Logitech Web Cam
Circuit City product link

Circuit City - $79.95 Seagate USB harddrive 500GB
Circuit City product link - $4.99 Creative Web Cam
Go to Then search for 'creative webcam bonus'

.. keep checkin'

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Free car service and almost free Nintendo Wii!

Yay! Got free Oil servicing done on my car :-)
(Actually paid $10 which will get donated to a Children's home and makes my service free)

Was just looking at Amazon...they've been really pushing the site to a new interface and everything. The Amazon webservices are also nice and will catch-up with the public soon.

Check out the Amazon holiday season votes...great chance to get great deals on many cool gadgets. example: $799 for a new Samsung 46" LCD HDTV!! me going for the Nintendo wii and the GPS too!
Click here for Amazon Customer Votes

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sometimes its just easy to think up a thousand ways of saying something the wrong way...but extremely difficult to find that one right way.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Well! nobody asked. And I'm not - yes, my ankle is feeling alright now. Took almost a month to heal, but now I'm absolutely okay. Ready for some thanksgiving shopping! :-)