Sunday, March 04, 2007

a dream photo (pun intended)

Among the many wacky-wild dreams i keep having, this one has been unique. With no apparent relation to real life whatsoever!

I was looking out of my window (couldn't recognize the house), while mom was standing besides me. And i noticed there were 4 suns in the sky!! Immediately, i looked for my camera to take a snap, and i did. As proof i attached the photo that i took in my dream.
As soon as i took the photo, a 5th sun appeared, and it burnt everything that was outside our house. If it were not for a little presence of mind - i closed all the windows, we wouldn't have been able to make it.

Gee! what does all of this mean? I am clueless.


Himz@work said...

4 sun , bole to poora solar system hila diya bhai dream ne
if u look deeper , u will find that 4 suns reflect ur 4 desires .. which u want to achieve

kya bolta hain

Unknown said...

could be...

then its time to figure out what they are :-)

Puneet Sethi said...

Himanshu IT mein kaam karke siritual ho gaya hain , sab jyotish , swapn gayan , sab aa gaya hain use :)lol
Hari Bol