Sunday, April 25, 2010

Igloo Sue

And here's Igloo Sue. Was a tad too sweet...but this was the first time I made something with Grenadine, so well, you live and learn.

- Smirnoff Vodka
- Rose Grenadine
- Tropicana light lemonade
- Squeezed lime juice
- lots of ice and shake

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Since finishing up my bartending course last year, I tried making quite a few traditional drinks like long islands and margarita and stuff. But my options had been pretty limited because I did not have a variety of liquors. That's been improving and so has the style. Going forward, if I make something nice, I'll post a picture and the recipe. That will serve a few purposes -
1. I will not have to remember the recipes
2. You might think I am cool to hang-around with
3. You might look at my interests, and gift me alcohol... It's expensive.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Another Google is evil argument

Steve Jobs thinks that Google is evil because it is trying to kill the iPhone by building its own Android series phones. See Apple Insider.

Sorry Steve. I think you are evil. While Google might be trying to take away your market-share, it sounds strictly business to me. Don't you think what your iPhone did to the rest of the mobile phone manufacturers was evil then? What? - that was supposed to be a revolution of the mobile market. Oh, I hear ya'. Just be a sport man! ... Google might seem evil to the iPhone, but not to its millions of consumers. We are more than happy to see better smart phones and better competition.

So for me, an excited consumer, who is not brickwalled in the Apple environment, Google is not evil...well...right now it's not.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Crazy times ended...crazy times ahead

I thought it made sense for me to restart blogging by talking about the reason why i stopped in the first place.

I had just gotten much too busy with my MBA applications. When I look back at my strategy, it was something close to a disaster! For the past 2 years, I spent 4 months every year, around 4 hours a day, 7 days a week on my applications. This equates to 896 hours of madness or about 115 days of 8 hours each. This time does not even include the time Shuchi, Akshia, Shubhrta and papa spent with me! Needless to say I don't want to think about it anymore.

And why should I? I got accepted at the Ross School of Business, Michigan! Wooo hoooo!

So the title - crazy times of apping have ended. crazy times of schooling ahead.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Check out Child Rights and You - CRY Connecticut Walk 2009 - Ankush

Title: Child Rights and You - CRY Connecticut Walk 2009 - Ankush


Sunday, February 08, 2009

One year in a snap!

The photo represents two things -

1. One year in a snap - Shuchi and I celebrated our first anniversary in December. All that time went by very quickly! in a snap!

2. One year in a snap - this snap also represents the time we spent together over the last one year

Shuchi is in India on vacation, and this time i'll join her too! Hurray! I'm leaving for India on valentines day so I can meet her soon enough. Plus I miss everyone in India and the good food. There is no food like Indian food in India.

It will be Shuchi's mom-dad's 25 anniversary this year. And we will celebrate it! We are going to Ranthambore and staying at a resort. Chillaxing party time :-)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sigh...the fight goes on...

Quoted by Imran Khan with PTI -
"...Yes, the situation could have been tense (if there was a tour). But providing security was the duty of the home board (PCB) and I can assure you that the terrorists would not have attacked the cricketers. If they do that the whole country (Pakistan) would condemned them, they cannot do that..."

Wow! I find it amusing. "Security by PCB"? - you really think Indian board should trust the security by PCB, who frequently themselves give excuses of the miserly state of security and militia in their country? I support BCCI decision on not touring. Not worth the risk. One more news flash - don't compare with England or any other team. We are not bombing each other...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The best overseas business hotel

Just recently, the Conde Nast Traveler had rated the Taj Mahal Hotel at Mumbai as the 'World's Best Overseas Business Hotel'.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

How to cut short the India growth story

Its very easy to react to the tragedy in Mumbai and *demand* a reaction from the government. Its very easy to say that we should just retaliate now.

The Indian leadership is now definitely stuck between listening to its people and not destroying the the India growth story. Think of it this way -
If India goes to war, it will require a lot of economic attention and funds. Which will further take India's focus over improving itself. The recent Nuclear deals might fall off due to falling confidence in security. India's infrastructure will suffer as badly as a 100 bombings. Progress will be stalled briefly. Jobs will be lost. People will be unhappy. ...vicious circle and an abrupt pause to the India growth story.

Do we really want to pause India? I believe the answer is No.

I think its in our best interest not to go to war with our neighbors. But then what? We do want to give them a solid response don't we?
I think we should enforce all possible economic and cultural sanctions on them. Should do everything in our power which is justified based on their actions. If we don't take radical steps like cutting off their water supply(!) they won't have reason to war with us. After all, democratic governments go to war not because they want to, but because their people want them to. And if the steps we take are economic and cultural, that's not really a recognizable threat. Cutting water supply is though, as it directly threatens and attacks the sentiments of the people.

The people who dies were important people. Important to their families if not just to the economy. What we also need to do is overhaul our security and intelligence. The attack was obviously a failure of security and the capacity of our forces to handle the situation.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Enough is Enough

Enough Is Enough - these are the words on the streets of India. At the time of this writing, the last battle is still on at the icon of the culture and wealth of Mumbai, the Taj. For two days and three nights *Indians* and foreign nationals have suffered trauma at the hands of extremists. Remember, terrorists don't know if you are a Hindu or a Muslim once they are running their operation; they are just killing Indians.

My heart goes out to the friends and family of those who could not make it through these dark nights.

This is huge attack on our nation. If this is not taken seriously, i fear what would! Given the thought, anyone could image 5 different ways of how they managed to accomplish this. I also completely understand how difficult is has been for the defense forces to kill and cleanse, and I pray for our brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives. But the fact is that prevention is better than cure. Our (un)intelligence team is not doing their job right. Or in other words, their counterparts are doing a better job. Indian intelligence needs ramping up. Get up to speed people! Did you not learn from Hyderabad, Jaipur, Bangalore, Ahmadabad and Delhi?

You should see this - You need to see this -

My opinion on some celebrity quotes -
1. Shobha De - For once Shobha, you had the opportunity to talk something positive, something about the good work done by the Army, Police and NSG. But no. You still chose to crib about the politicians. Whiner whiner
2. Amir Khan - partially agree. I think they do follow a religion. I am just not sure which one...because as much as i know, no religion teaches to kill other people.
3. Harsha Bhogle - You hit the nail on its head dude. Politicians will leverage this incident for their vote bank. But the people of India should be united as one against external entities.

Friday, October 31, 2008

This is a professional summary of a developer looking for new projects -

I am familiar with business management, demographics, behavioral science, public relations, eureka moments, prolific inventing, engineering science and many other forms of business knowledge. I can conceptualize an idea by seeing all aspects of the idea’s functions from all angles at once…Like a quarterback sees the whole field at one glance. I can run simulations in my head that can determine advantages as well as problems facing ideas in very short quick thoughts. I can immediately list all advantages and disadvantages of a concept using my spatial spectrum thought processes. This mental advantage can save time and money zeroing in on the best of a list of concepts before development.

I found it awfully funny :-) I just think he's trying to hard!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

JetAirways help

Was planning to go to India in Dec, but not possible anymore with everything going on here...Shuchi's plans also changed and basically she'll be visiting twice. While i'll only get to visit once within the next 6 months or so.

Have missed so many weddings and now one more...

For anyone who has faced problem managing/canceling jetairways ticket, write an email to for help.