Saturday, March 24, 2007

Akshia gone back

Akshia was in the house! He has gone back to school now.

I never thought I'd say this, but here goes -
I had home cooked food while Akshia was here!!
He he! Not trying to take away anything from Akshia. He is a great cook. Thanks for the chole, the bhurji, the aloo gobi, and the aloo matar!
Bhabhi will be very happy...i.e. if she finds out.

We had a nice time, nice ladai, gapshup etc.
Went to this tex-mex cafe called Coyote Blue. A nice place with great food and pretty strong Margaritas. We had the Shrimp Quesadillas, ummm...yumm!

300 - the IMAX experience

The movie demanded an IMAX experience even before I actually saw it. The only real objects in the movie were the character in person; everything else was computer graphics! Amazing what else you can achieve with the silicons these days ;-)

This one scores a 6.5 outa 10. The story depicted is for real alright, but overplayed. I admire the graphics, I really do. But the whole movie experience just didn't cut it. And prolly not worth the extra bucks we spent for the IMAX.
And while I only realized when a co-worker pointed it out to me, it is still funny - the Spartans wore hard metallic helmets to save their precious heads, while wearing just a jockey for the rest of the body! lol!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

how can it be

Beautiful song - How can it be

I say, and so say I,
My morning thought it knew itself just fine,
Until, across the room,
It caught it’s first glimpse of my afternoon,
How can it be,
That these things live in me?

I say, and so say I,
My morning’s day,
seems nothing like it’s night.
My, night, so self-assured,
was all at sea when faced with dawn’s strange world

How can it be,
That these things live in me?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Google Phone

Yeah! Thats just what I need :-)
With i-phone officially disclosed and launching in June, the market for cellphones considered as gadgets and not just plain 'ol vanilla phoning devices is gonna take a big turn! And if Google enters this market...?! techno nerds are up for some real action!

In one view, the Apple-Cingular deal is not gonna be cheap to the consumers. Apple has such a niche market, it can afford to do that. No doubt their product demand the price, but we do really need some serious commpetition!

make way for Google Phone rumors!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Life of a cellphone

my reasons for changing a cellphone -
When the battery replacements won't work anymore.
When that number feeds twice even when you hit it only once.
When the screen is not bright anymore.
When the phone does not have all the features you've wanted for more than 10 days!
When your roommate has a better, more expensive phone.
When you drop it and there are scratches all over but it still doesn't break (darn it must be a Nokia!).
When you've added 500hours of talk time to it (Even though the sound is still as good as new).
When the screen is not large enough anymore.
When you really miss WiFi.
When the other service provider is giving away free phones and a better deal.
When all of a sudden your phone looks so much more bulkier than the phone everyone else is carrying.
When your phone is not *in* thing anymore.
When your girlfriend steals it from you...consider it 'd'.
When you are plain extravagant.

hmm....can't think of no more reasons...

Friday, March 09, 2007

free SMS: PC to Phone

try -
Google SMS for US - took less than 5 seconds for the SMS to get to me. Oh and it was nice enough just to see 'Cincinnati bell' in their drop down!! lol!
No registration required.

try -
TextNation - registration required. But they allow you to send messages through many service providers in many countries!
I tried sending one to my gal using Reliance...din't work.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

a dream photo (pun intended)

Among the many wacky-wild dreams i keep having, this one has been unique. With no apparent relation to real life whatsoever!

I was looking out of my window (couldn't recognize the house), while mom was standing besides me. And i noticed there were 4 suns in the sky!! Immediately, i looked for my camera to take a snap, and i did. As proof i attached the photo that i took in my dream.
As soon as i took the photo, a 5th sun appeared, and it burnt everything that was outside our house. If it were not for a little presence of mind - i closed all the windows, we wouldn't have been able to make it.

Gee! what does all of this mean? I am clueless.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

a new album

check out my newest stock photography portfolio.

Yup, i know...nowhere close to any professional stuff (or in other words no justice to my caliber...he he!). But its a start. Lets see if I can devote time and at least learn the tricks of the trade even if i don't make any money out of it.

Anyone wants to submit their works of art??