Saturday, February 24, 2007

Airtel Call Home

Finally some competition! The Reliance monopoly in calling to India had been a big pain...with no improvement in service over the past 2 years and even with the ever so falling internet access fees, no drop in call prices either.

With Airtel in the game, things have changed! I'll save your research efforts -
1. charges - 8cents/minutes. Latest promotion - 4cents/minute (Holi hai!)
2. no month access fees (unlike Reliance)
3. no connection fee (unlike Reliance)
4. no expiration of minutes. Just make sure you use your calling card atleast once every 6months
5. better customer service (got through to a representative in 20seconds!!!!!)
6. squeaky functionality (but not enough for me to let go off the great price)

transfer $50 worth of talk time to my account (yes, there is a transfer facility in Airtel) and by God, i will answer :-)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Pyaar ke side effect

Rahul Bose means some serious business...his movies are offbeat enough that they appeal to a different audience and orthodox enough that many people would approve watching them.

T'was a fairly refreshing movie. it would get a 7/10 score from me.

For one, i was surprised that Mallika Sherawat came out of her sack. The narration by Rahul Bose was especially funny! It was well paced with no 'drag minutes'!

Recommended for watching once!

An Idiot's guide to earning $450/hour

Only the 2nd snowfall this year in Middletown! Yeah! word has it that global warming has taken over the planet. It finally snowed in excess of 10 inches this past Monday. It took me more than 20 minutes to get the snow off the car in the morning. Took me a second to apply brake while still loosing control of the car and skidding into the car in front of me, at <5mph. It took her another 10minutes to call the cops and make a case. A few more phone calls and poof! i have a bill of $450 for a (yeah you can read this one again) 6 inch long hairline scratch on the bumper that you could barely see from 3feet away. Fortunately noone was hurt...

First hand experience - it's a pain to be involved in an accident (if that what you could call this...officially!). You don't want to be in one. never! And that too not with a kind of a person who is just waiting for that chance to screw you.

There are two ways to look at it -
1 - I will be a even more careful driver, who doesn't want to get into any ruffle
2 - the day anyone touches my car, i'll make sure i get my $450 back
for better or for worse...i won't be the 2nd person.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


To Be Updated. 3 numbers.
until a month back, there were 2. Noida and Ithaca.

So today, when mom asked me what else is going on...i was confused...confused as to what I've already told mom, what to Akshia and what to Shuchi! he he!
not that i am complaining! just making a mental (and a blogger!) note of the few things that have been changing lately.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

2.0 rulez

To make a difference to the world you need to make a difference in the lives of the people that live in it.
To make a difference in one life, you gotta be more involved.
Now we are involved in 18000+ people’s lives. But only as much as any other *rewards* program is.
How do we make a difference? A question yet to be answered…And perhaps, a thought yet to be pondered over?!

Web2.0 strategies rule the world today! And we are not there yet.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

am I really a nice guy?!

If 5 people were to tell me that I am a nice guy and 2 were to say that I am not, i would tend to agree with the former (but ofcourse!).
But then if the 5 did and the 2 did not, you begin to think otherwise...because it's too good to be true. and wonder if there is something else to it...something more deep and perhaps evil. Something that only I know. The real question then becomes - what is that 'something' which made me doubt the 5 people who prolly meant no harm to me!

Afterall 'nice' is a relative term. It refers to something that is only better than something 'not' nice.

I put myself in front of questions to which I have no explanation...and no reason to question!

next question - am i insane??! :p