Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I am sure now, i Can't Hate Anyone.
I guess its not that bad. I mean, hate only brings anger and anger burns you up. I seem to find ways of not involving myself with people i might start hating! Now that's the best policy :)

you know what! whenever i write such dialogues here, it seems that i'm trying to tell something to the world. I'm trying to tell that either i'm happy or i am disturbed. Its just that i can't share everything here...maybe what i feel is just for me. How i react is what matters to You.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

nice thoughts

People who love each other may still fight and do bad things to each other. But they still stay together. not because they Forget, but because they Forgive.

Friday, August 26, 2005

my sweetheart & promotion

hi again blog!
I missed you so much. you are my friend, my sweetheart. we'll be pen pals forever!

I got a promotion!
Have officially become a PA - Programmer Analyst now! yippee!
calls for a party. hey blog, i wish you were alive. i have noone to party here...
joy....elation...but no salary change! Sadly! Salary changes will be reflected April next year i think.

today we had the first league match of the volleyball league that i've brought into place. another one of my volunteered initiatives...
My team, Phoenix, won the game 3-nil. Yesss!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

churan! and Cinderella Man

Tushar had come over the weekend. called me up at 1pm to tell me he is starting and reached around 5pm. Now dats what i call dynamic planning :)

he brought me churan and saunf! yippeee! yummyyy! long time!

We went for a movie saturday night - Cinderella Man. Its a long but nice movie. Watchable i'd say. Based on the real life story of a great boxer in the year of economic meltdown in US (around 1933-1935). How he strived to live and keep his family from falling apart.
After coming out of the hall at around mid-night i got a big shock!!!! the car won't start! yikes! Called up a friend to pick us up at the theatre. Got the jump start kit and all but nothing seemed to work. The left the car at the theatre itself. Sunday morning got it towed to a mechanic and got it repaired. There was a silly little short circuit of wires in the spark plug area...he charged $80 for a computerized electric engine check and another $40 for the repairs - basically change of wiring.

We cooked yummy chick on Saturday night. Big leg quarters...

last week

the last week whizzed past me...
I had a lot of time to think over myself and my priorities.

When a storm hits a desert everything shakes up. The storm dies down in a while, but nothing changes. Afterall the desert is only made up of dust and dunes.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

shirt from bhai

akron pics are up in my gallery!

i forgot to mention, but then i guess it deserved a separate post - bhai bot me a shirt. its good. i wore it and was appreciated by a couple of people.

Friday, August 12, 2005


dunno if this is good or bad. i feel i'm stuck in between a whole lot of inanes. It can't be just a feeling...i see too many things that can be done the better way. i see too many things going wrong. and i see not many people bothered about it.
this way i kinda admire these Americans. most of them have a sense of professionalism and are meticulous with their personal and professional chores.

it only motivates me to rise above them. but the problem is that i don't know the level that i shud try to reach! my bhai is one level.

best se

oh and the best SE ward is for 04-05 and not just for a quarter as i initially thought it to be :o)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

akron - iii

well it was a couple of weeks back so i won't go into the details...

i landed up on friday since i drove in my new car. we had dinner out. (now in akron why do places close down so early? it was 10 and out for the eating joints). Akshia came in saturday morning. The airport was pretty far off...some 40miles from the house. anyways we picked him up...happy to see bhai and the three of us together after a long time...
came home washed up and then started for put-in bay. it is some 110miles from home. oh and we found out that we traced back our route to airport while going there...ouch!
There was a long queue of parking at put-in bay yatch area...had to park a quarter of a mile away from the boarding area! and paid $5 for it!
It was amazing. it was a ferry ride of about 20minutes from the mainland to the put-in bay island. there were yatches and speed boats in the distant water (duh!). Our arrival was greeted by 'welcome! have a grrrreat day! and put-in baaaay'. he he! now that was funny :)
its a historic place and a tourist spot. there were memorials/museum/side shows. and then there were boats, parasailing, jet skiis and a happening downtown. Downtown had the world's longest bar. now that attracted my companions...! we had to go in once. had a beer or something...it was long...ya!
sunday was a bit boring if you might casll it...we went to Sri venkateshwara temple and the hindu jain temple. the drive was the fun part. all of us drove Tushar's car in turns.

i left akrno around 7:30. had to come to the airport to pick a frnd at 11pm. and then again i din't want to start any later or early morning monday :)
reached home safe and sound. put 750 miles on my car!!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

mai, bhai aur Tushar

That makes 3 trips to Akron.
This time Akshia was the reason for the plan.

Friday, August 05, 2005

best SE

Got the best SE award in my IBU.
silly people gave me the award yesterday at bangalore. I din't even get mail until someone from my project from offshore sent a congratulatory note.

i had been nominated like a zillion times before. This is the first one...and the coolest part is that my PM has no idea who gave my recomm for this since she definitely was not the one this time. Infact she wasn't aware of this at all.


there are more important things that i have to work on.
man! i've really lost focus.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

lost track

have lost track yet again.
i dunno if writing this here helps me pull myself up. i guess i'll be able to figure that once this happens 3-4 times...and hopefully that will happen in a long time.

have to start studying for gmat.
too much crap going around me that's been swaying my focus. and probably most of that is made up by me.

time is moving. its disappearing fast. gotta make most of it.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

check it out!

check out my 'what i drove' page! These are most of what i've driven till now :)