Saturday, June 18, 2005

Washington get-together


phir se bana bharta! yummy!

Then i went to the bowling alley after a long time. Played 8 games...was pathetic to begin with! reached a high of only 158 :o( The only thing to cheer about - scored a hattrick of strikes!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

busy dayz

These last few days have been quite busy. Things have been pouring inn. I'm not commfortable with too many things 'to do'. Wanta get over with them asap.

We cooked fried rice and vegetables today. was good :)

came back home and was again called to office. Hated that. Why should i pay the price for someone else's mistakes. No can't do - not for office folks!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

cosmetics! ?

did i mention! I Bot a whole lot of copsmetic stuff yesterday. Went with Neha to the market. She had to buy her own stuff and i joined in to checkout what's there for men! Taking her along really helps to choose stuff...wonder what will happen to my 'such stuff shopping!' when she's gone back!

Hmmm... my subscriptions for PC Quest, Time, Reader's Digest all have started...i have too much to read! great!

akron again

Yep! am still looking for a car. my interests have shifted to the Mustang. I just want to own that devil once. I won't be able to do that in India, so trying to make the most of my interests while am here...will try sports cars.
My search took me to Akron, where Tushar lives. Two day! we went out two days looking for cars. He's looking for a Honda Accord and me a Ford Mustang. We share the pain :) nothing worth buying in the market! :o(
YOU out there...reading this...! You gotta Ford Mustang (purrfect condition) for sale?

Well we went for playing pool. It was a pub cum pool. Was an okay place. You cold just sit around and pass time there...but we were there for the game of Pool! Unfortunate for me i lost to Tushar 3-1 in the brief hour of play...but it was fun ya.
Went to a movie late night. We saw 'Guess Who'. You can watch ain't really too bad. average..Then even later went to this pub. I had a scotch...had it for the first time. Scotch with coke. The cola made it sweet actually...!
Hmmm...came back on Sunday night in the same car that i left in!! :( :(

This weekend...i'm going to Washington! Yep! finally...
Will be meeting a whole lotsa people there...will be meeting bro only the 2nd time in the last 2years now i thinks...and mamas-mamis, nana-nani and cousins and i donno if neone else is gonna make it!

Have bought a tee for bro. somebody remind me to give it to him in Washington!

Had a long day at work today. The release of Rosetta, you project, is gonna happen party this weekend...and eventually every coming weekend for the rest 4 weekends!
The release of another project got postponed because of the work that i do. It was his fault really! And so he din't complain about it! I just hope he hasen't done enuf wrongs to loose his job!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

can't wait no longer's been almost an hour since the chicken is been cooking in the oven now. I can't wait no longer! :o(

Got a call from a friend in Delhi tomorning (that's today morning). It feels good talking to her. She has simple mind. Nothing too complicated, no politics in her life. She did wake me up at 7:23am...i thought it was a call from office at banglore and was kinda roughed up at first! you know...waking at 7:20 to do office work...? definitely not my idea of hardwork.

Product release has been postponed by atleast a week. Donno if i'll be able to make it to Pallavi's graduation party :o(
